All HTTP requests must include the "x-chatbeacon" header. The value of this header is a base64 encoded string representing ids of the account:int, site:int, visitor:GUID, and session:GUID. The ids are separated by a colon

Example string: "4:1000:78e89576-5b8f-4bca-9742-455c7a101d03:e8e023bf-a94b-46be-bbcc-1545f1df0838"

Example header: x-chatbeacon: NDoxMDAwOjc4ZTg5NTc2LTViOGYtNGJjYS05NzQyLTQ1NWM3YTEwMWQwMzplOGUwMjNiZi1hOTRiLTQ2YmUtYmJjYy0xNTQ1ZjFkZjA4Mzg=

All HTTP requests/responses are in JSON format unless otherwise noted.

Base Route Url: "api/visitor/account"