Remember that Calback URL you setup during the Setup? Now is when it comes in to play. As described, this is the url ChatBeacon will use to communicate with your server. ChatBeacon will make a POST request to this URL and the JSON object it sends looks almost identical to the JSON you send to ChatBeacon in the Making Requests section. The JSON object is represented below:

    	visitorId: "905fe277-ed7e-4d47-86f2-ead2a7ad45e9",
    	sessionId: "3395ecb9-926c-43c4-9276-3dde663159e4",
    	chatId: 100,
    	text: 'How can I help you today?'

The 'text' property contains text sent by an operator or the ChatBeacon service.

The 'sessionId' is a unique GUID issued by the ChatBeacon server. It identifies a specific session of the visitor.

The 'visitorId' is a unique GUID issued by the ChatBeacon server. It identifies a visitor. A visitor can have multiple live sessions in ChatBeacon, but only 1 concurrent chat

The 'chatId' property is the id of the visitors currently active chat.