ChatBeacon Pro Changelog
over 3 years ago by ChatBeacon Team
We’ve just rolled out a new ChatBeacon Pro version. Here are some of the most notable changes:
Visitor Chat Window
- New Chat Window theme
- Replaced multi-step survey with a classic field-type survey
- Added Wait Timer to the waiting screen
- Added Position In Line to the waiting screen
- Removed word capitalization on the chat preview segment
- Implemented the PreChat Survey AutoSubmit=true option; this can be used to automatically submit the form, especially when auto-filling the survey fields
- added new accessibility options for the chat button icon
- added label field for the new chat window theme
ChatBot Enhancements
- Added the ability to disable the visitor input box when using Quick Replies
- Added new text confirmations when the Visitor is being transferred to a human agent or a queue
- Added the PUSH URL feature
- Added the Paragraph Delay feature
- Added Request To Join Timeout for ChatBot transfers
Operator UI Changes:
- New User Interface
- New tabs for easy navigation: Visitors, My Chats, and All Chats
- Reorganized the Details View panel to include Survey Info, Notes, Profile Info, Chat Origin, Visitor Details, and Geolocation information
- New Visitor Map
- New Visitor IP Whois Integration
- Removed Manual Chat Invites
- Added the SMS Number in the Chat History transcript
- New chat requests custom sounds for different departments
Web Admin Changes:
- New ViewPort360 Subreports available
- Added a new Password Policy features for the Operators that can be set on the Accounts page
- Added File Transfer options in the Queue settings
- Added Chat Routing settings in the Queue settings
- Operator's passwords can now be unlocked by changing the password via the Operator's Settings page; Operators may get locked out due to the Password Policy specified in the Web Admin > Account settings.
- Added Integration settings in the Site settings for SMS, Video, Screen Sharing, Voice and Google.
- New chat requests custom sounds for different queues can now be set on the Queue settings page
- Operator Join actions now recorded in the ViewPort360 > Operator reports
- Enabled paragraph breaks in the Queue settings page > String templates
- Added Request To Join Timeout for ChatBot transfers which can be managed in the Queue settings
Server Side improvements
- huge strides with performance and infrastructure improvements related to the ChatBeacon Service
- The new ChatBeacon app is available on the marketplace without an app invite.